After a long spurt and in the middle of Ukraine's presidential election campaign: More White Knights - the journalists Kossov, Court and Rudenko - come to rescue of Papa Anatol and his sons. The English-language weekly "Kyiv Post", the media flagship of the struggle for the rule of law and Western integration, reports in detail on Emil's and Elias's fate and the ongoing child-abduction policy of the Ukrainian state apparatus.
Child Abduction Report of "Kyiv Post" -->
Skillfully and empathically, the report highlights all the grim aspects of abduction - affecting thousands of separated Ukrainian fathers, too:
- Deprivation, isolation and abuse of abducted children,
- forlornness of the left-behind fathers in the Byzantine labyrinths of the state bureaucracy,
- limitless corruption, lawlessness, arbitrariness, partiality and incompetence of the Soviet-minded judiciary and administration,
- deliberate procrastination of child-return and custody procedures,
- non-enforceability of any father-child contact rule.
It carries weight, as the "Kyiv Post" enjoys great respect and attention in academic, business and diplomatic environments.
The same weekly issue recalls the broken promises of President Poroshenko, who seeks re-election. Ukraine's public and media unanimously attest to his utter failure in the fight against corruption and lawlessness. Emil's and Elias's tragedy is part of it.
So Poroshenko cannot use his advantage of incumbency as warlord, saviour of the fatherland and (pseudo-)European - and his commitment to "army, language, faith" catches only weak. He is going to lose the favour of the electorate - of all candidates, to the political novice and television comedian Zelenskiy, who has already won the presidency in the popular satirical series "Servant of the People", fighting the omnipresent corruption and the plunder of the country.
"Servant of the People" / 2nd episode on TV1+1 -->
Only two weeks ago, the Supreme Court has dismissed the new criminal law against illegal self-enrichment, which Western donors have made conditional on visa-free travel and financial assistance. The reasoning of the High Judges is far-fetched: The law violates the presumption of innocence of the defendants, and it reverses the burden of proof to their detriment. Thus, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) has to suspend numerous investigations against high-ranking officials.
Corruption report of "Kyiv Post" -->
The act shows the persistence of total corruption, arbitrariness and lawlessness, as well as the brazen deal breaking and perfidiousness of the rulers in Kyiv and their cronies in the judiciary and administration. This affects all fields: from the unscrupulous self-enrichment of the ruling class to children's issues.
Under its shiny pro-European varnish, Ukraine's rotten system basically has not changed - and so has not its ruthless child-abduction policy. Neither has a single perpetrator of the Maidan massacre of 2014 been taken to account.